Plastic Regrind Analysis


Plastic Regrind Analysis. 500 g.

Delivery time: up to 14 days



We deter­mi­ne the com­pon­ents of your pla­s­tic regrind!

We deter­mi­ne the fol­lo­wing mate­ri­als for you: PP, PET, PS, PC, PA, PE, PVC, ABS, wood. Car­bon black colou­red parts can­not be detected.

Cri­te­ria of your regrind material:

  • Size of flakes: 2 x 2 mm to 20 x 20mm, dedusted
  • 500 g


  • After purcha­se you will recei­ve an email with the ship­ping address for your sample.
  • After receipt of the sam­ple we will mea­su­re it within 24 hours. You will recei­ve the result by email.

For recur­ring, signi­fi­cant­ly lar­ger or smal­ler sam­ple sizes we offer spe­cial pri­ces. Plea­se email us!

Fur­ther­mo­re, we offer indi­vi­dua­li­sed ana­ly­ses, which we will glad­ly deve­lop for you. For this, too, plea­se send us an email.

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