trinamiX - Plastic Scanner

9.350,00 12.750,00 

trinamiX Plastic Scanner. Variations available in webshop:

Scanner with ...

  • 10 Plastics Database
  • Plastics Max Database

Further variations on request by e-mail.

Delivery time: up to 14 days

SKU: N/A Categories: ,


tri­na­miX Pla­s­tics Scan­ner. Both pro­duct varia­ti­ons contain:

  • NIR spec­tro­me­ter
  • Cho­sen data­ba­se. Time unli­mi­t­ed appli­ca­ti­on licen­se fee (*).
  • 2 users/accounts & basic sup­port included. Time unli­mi­t­ed user licence fee.
  • App for smart­phone and PC & access to the cus­to­mer portal
  • All soft­ware updates included

We stron­gly recom­mend that you add the sili­co­ne pro­tec­ti­ve case and the flat reflec­ti­ve stan­dard to your order.

(*) tri­na­miX reser­ves the right to dis­con­ti­nue the cho­sen appli­ca­ti­on after 5 years. Only one appli­ca­ti­on licence per orga­ni­sa­ti­on required.

Plea­se cont­act us by email if you would like to order

  • more than 10 scan­ners at a time
  • pre­fer refur­bis­hed hardware
  • pre­fer hard­ware with 1 year pre­paid licences
  • need more than 2 users to start
  • need more than 10,000 scans per year to start with
  • any other appli­ca­ti­on con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on. Curr­ent­ly available: 
    • Mat­tress recycling
    • PE-PP com­po­si­ti­on in PE blends
    • NIR reflec­ti­vi­ty for pack­a­ging design.
    • And many more solu­ti­ons, espe­ci­al­ly for tex­ti­les recy­cling, qua­li­ty assu­rance, PV modu­les. See the full tri­na­miX pro­duct port­fo­lio here.

The tri­na­miX NIR Spec­tro­me­ter revo­lu­tio­ni­zes pla­s­tic recy­cling by enab­ling swift, on-site iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of various pla­s­tic types. This hand­held device empowers you to accu­ra­te­ly distin­gu­ish and sort a wide ran­ge of pla­s­tics, inclu­ding chal­len­ging poly­mers such as PET, PE, and PP, with just the push of a button.

Its intui­ti­ve inter­face ensu­res seam­less inte­gra­ti­on into your work­flow, impro­ving sort­ing accu­ra­cy and effi­ci­en­cy. By enab­ling pre­cise iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on, the spec­tro­me­ter enhan­ces recy­cling rates and mate­ri­al puri­ty, hel­ping recy­clers crea­te hig­her-qua­li­ty recy­cled pro­ducts while redu­cing con­ta­mi­na­ti­on in was­te streams. The com­pact and por­ta­ble design makes it ide­al for use in indus­tri­al faci­li­ties, recy­cling plants, and field ope­ra­ti­ons alike.

Desi­gned for both mobi­le and sta­tio­na­ry appli­ca­ti­ons, the tri­na­miX NIR Spec­tro­me­ter is robust and relia­ble, ensu­ring con­sis­tent per­for­mance even in deman­ding environments.

You can purcha­se this sta­te-of-the-art device through Solid Scan­ner’s online shop, which offers glo­bal ship­ping to sup­port recy­cling ope­ra­ti­ons world­wi­de. With deli­very times of 2-3 weeks, you can inte­gra­te this cut­ting-edge tech­no­lo­gy into your work­flow wit­hout delay. Solid Scanner’s cus­to­mer sup­port team is rea­dy to assist with any ques­ti­ons, ensu­ring a hass­le-free purcha­sing experience.

Ele­va­te your pla­s­tic recy­cling ope­ra­ti­ons with the tri­na­miX NIR Spec­tro­me­ter and embrace the future of advan­ced mate­ri­al iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on technology.

Additional information


10 Plastics, Plastics Max