tri­na­miX - Mobi­le NIR solution
for the iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of textiles

New ope­ra­ting con­cept allows
Inno­va­ti­ve mate­ri­al analysis

For textiles - trinamiX 2

Thanks to the powerful com­bi­na­ti­on of mobi­le hard­ware, data ana­ly­sis and mate­ri­al exper­ti­se, tex­ti­les can be relia­bly iden­ti­fied on site with the mobi­le hand­held device.

Quick iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on takes just a few seconds and is sup­port­ed by a user-fri­end­ly ope­ra­ting con­cept. This solu­ti­on enables effi­ci­ent con­for­mi­ty test­ing during the inco­ming inspec­tion of tex­ti­le was­te and mix­tures. Sort­ing into pure tex­ti­le streams ensu­res high-qua­li­ty recycling.

Your advan­ta­ges

Rea­dy-made solutions

tri­na­miX offers rea­dy-to-use appli­ca­ti­ons for the

  • Iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of tex­ti­le and car­pet materials
  • Appli­ca­ti­ons for sort­ing wool and wool blends
  • as well as Nylon 6 and Nylon 66 with color-coded results.

Intui­ti­ve operation

The mobi­le appli­ca­ti­on on the smart­phone enables the scan­ner to be used with prac­ti­cal­ly no trai­ning time.

In the cus­to­mer por­tal, you can ana­ly­ze and export data and gene­ra­te mea­su­re­ment reports.

Online/cloud based

The cloud and online archi­tec­tu­re of the tri­na­miX spec­tro­me­ter gua­ran­tees that the appli­ca­ti­on is always up-to-date and auto­ma­ti­cal­ly saves all mea­su­re­ment data.

You can access the plat­form from any­whe­re, ana­ly­ze your data effi­ci­ent­ly and gene­ra­te reports.

How the spectrometer works

The NIR spec­tro­me­ter is pla­ced on the sam­ple, a mea­su­re­ment takes approx. 2-3 seconds. The result is shown direct­ly on the dis­play of the smart­phone or PC. The con­nec­tion bet­ween the scan­ner and smart­phone or PC is estab­lished via Bluetooth.

The tri­na­miX cus­to­mer por­tal offers num­e­rous func­tions for fur­ther ana­ly­ses, data export, etc., which are con­stant­ly being expanded.

Your smart­phone does not requi­re an Inter­net con­nec­tion for ope­ra­ti­on, but at least every 7 days. The mea­su­re­ment results are then saved in the cus­to­mer por­tal and the apps are che­cked for available updates and down­loa­ded if necessary.

For textiles - trinamiX 3


  • Com­pact spec­tro­me­ter for mobi­le use in inco­ming goods, when tra­ve­ling, in pro­duc­tion and at the customer’s premises

  • Intui­ti­ve ope­ra­ti­on via smart­phone app or PC application

  • Safe ope­ra­ti­on gua­ran­teed even by lay­per­sons wit­hout labo­ra­to­ry expe­ri­ence or training

  • Access to the latest data models

  • Cus­to­mer por­tal with addi­tio­nal func­tions for ana­ly­zing and export­ing measurements

  • Fast amor­tiza­ti­on due to low acqui­si­ti­on cos­ts and vir­tual­ly no trai­ning times

  • High ope­ra­tio­nal rea­di­ness thanks to bat­tery char­ge for up to 6,000 measurements

For textiles - trinamiX 4

Available software options

tri­na­miX offers the fol­lo­wing rea­dy-to-use appli­ca­ti­ons for the tex­ti­le industry:

  • Tex­ti­les: Gene­ral clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on of tex­ti­les: acrylic, cot­ton, elas­t­a­ne, poly­ami­de (nylon), poly­es­ter, poly­pro­py­le­ne, silk, vis­co­se and wool. Mix­tures of two mate­ri­als are divi­ded into the main mate­ri­al and the secon­da­ry material.

  • Car­pets: Dif­fe­ren­tia­ti­on bet­ween the com­mon car­pet mate­ri­als nylon (nylon 6/6.6), PAN, PP, PTT, wool.

  • Wool (*): Sort­ing of knit­wear by clas­si­fy­ing the wool con­tent. A pro­por­ti­on of 80 % or more is mark­ed in green, while a pro­por­ti­on of less than 80 % is mark­ed in red.

  • Tex­ti­les PA6/66 (*): Clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on of PA6 and PA66 for tex­ti­les. Distin­gu­is­hes bet­ween polyamide/nylon tex­ti­les based on their PA6/PA66 con­tent and returns a con­fi­dence for the mate­ri­al. Out­puts with con­fi­dence and color coding.

  • Inte­gra­ted table solu­ti­on: tri­na­miX also offers an inte­gra­ted table solu­ti­on for the spec­tro­me­ter with pro­xi­mi­ty sen­sor. The spec­tro­me­ter is auto­ma­ti­cal­ly acti­va­ted by the sen­sor when stan­ding in the housing.

In addi­ti­on to solu­ti­ons for the tex­ti­le (recy­cling) indus­try, tri­na­miX also offers rea­dy-to-use appli­ca­ti­ons for pla­s­tics recy­cling, sor­ta­bi­li­ty assess­ment of pla­s­tics, feed ana­ly­sis, cos­me­tics, liquids and cof­fee.

Appli­ca­ti­ons mark­ed with (*) are spe­ci­al­ly deve­lo­ped for use on sort­ing tables. Tog­e­ther with the inte­gra­ted table solu­ti­on (see pho­to), you get a fast, fle­xi­ble sort­ing solu­ti­on with a low investment.


This makes the NIR solu­ti­on from tri­na­miX an indis­pensable aid for the fast and relia­ble deter­mi­na­ti­on of pla­s­tics, for example

  • in the inco­ming goods depart­ment of recy­cling companies

  • in the sort­ing of pro­duc­tion waste

  • in the purchase/purchase of material

  • in sales when deter­mi­ning cus­to­mer samples

For textiles - trinamiX 5

Our solutions for textile recycling

The fol­lo­wing packa­ges are curr­ent­ly available:
(Packa­ges with other appli­ca­ti­ons, e.g. car­pet mate­ri­als, plea­se enqui­re directly)

Tex­ti­le pack

  • Iden­ti­fy the com­mon textiles

Acrylic, cot­ton, elas­t­a­ne, poly­ami­de (nylon), poly­es­ter, poly­pro­py­le­ne, silk, vis­co­se and wool and blends thereof

Tex­ti­les Pack Plus

  • Iden­ti­fy the com­mon textiles

Acrylic, cot­ton, elas­t­a­ne, poly­ami­de (nylon), poly­es­ter, poly­pro­py­le­ne, silk, vis­co­se and wool and blends thereof

  • Color-coded nylon 6/66 differentiate

  • Distin­gu­ish bet­ween color-coded wool blends

Tex­ti­les Pack Max

  • Iden­ti­fy the com­mon textiles

Acrylic, cot­ton, elas­t­a­ne, poly­ami­de (nylon), poly­es­ter, poly­pro­py­le­ne, silk, vis­co­se and wool and blends thereof

  • Color-coded nylon 6/66 differentiate

  • Distin­gu­ish bet­ween color-coded wool blends

  • Iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of an exten­ded ran­ge of pla­s­tic types


The NIR solu­ti­on is available as a sub­scrip­ti­on model. The offer includes the licen­se for the use of the appli­ca­ti­ons during the con­tract peri­od, all updates, 2 users and the spec­tro­me­ter, basic support.


Fly­er Textiles


The fol­lo­wing mate­ri­als can­not be mea­su­red, or only with seve­re restrictions:

  • Car­bon black-colo­red pla­s­tics absorb lar­ge parts of the light pul­se. It is the­r­e­fo­re not pos­si­ble to mea­su­re very dark or black pla­s­tics. If the black colo­ra­ti­on is pro­du­ced wit­hout car­bon black - for exam­p­le by com­bi­ning dif­fe­rent color pig­ments - mea­su­re­ment with NIR is pos­si­ble wit­hout restriction.

  • Metals

  • Pla­s­tics with a high pro­por­ti­on of fil­lers. The NIR signals can devia­te so much from the taught-in refe­ren­ces that a cor­rect assign­ment is no lon­ger possible.

  • For trans­pa­rent and/or thin pla­s­tics, pre­pa­ra­ti­on (fol­ding, mul­ti-lay­er) is neces­sa­ry and the use of a reflec­ti­ve back­ground mate­ri­al is recommended.

  • A data con­nec­tion to the Inter­net is requi­red to ope­ra­te the spec­tro­me­ter. Some appli­ca­ti­ons can be used off­line; an Inter­net con­nec­tion is requi­red at least every 7 days.

NIR spectrometer for plastics recycling

Dis­co­ver our NIR spec­tro­me­ters for pla­s­tic recy­cling in our online store.