Compact NIR
as mini-laboratories

Near-infrared spec­tro­me­ters (NIR spec­tro­me­ters) are ana­ly­ti­cal tools that mea­su­re the inter­ac­tion of near-infrared light with a sam­ple and thus pro­vi­de insights into its mole­cu­lar struc­tu­re and composition.

Advantages over related technologies

  • Pene­tra­tes deeper than UV spectrometers.
  • Pro­vi­des dif­fe­rent infor­ma­ti­on than MIR spec­tro­me­ters and mea­su­res signi­fi­cant­ly fas­ter (2-3 seconds com­pared to 20 seconds for MIR spectrometers).

Areas of application and technological highlights

The­se spec­tro­me­ters are used in various industries:

  • Food indus­try: com­po­si­ti­on and qua­li­ty control.
  • Recy­cling indus­try: Sort­ing of mate­ri­als accor­ding to their che­mi­cal composition.
  • Edu­ca­ti­on and sci­ence: rese­arch and teaching.
  • Pro­duc­tion: pro­cess con­trol and qua­li­ty assurance.
  • Medi­ci­ne and bio­sci­en­ces: phar­maceu­ti­cal ana­ly­sis and diagnostics.

The importance of small NIR spectrometers

Com­pact NIR spec­tro­me­ters are cru­cial for on-the-go spec­tral mea­su­re­ments and enable real-time ana­ly­sis wit­hout labo­ra­to­ry trans­por­ta­ti­on, which is bene­fi­ci­al for agri­cul­tu­re, food and phar­maceu­ti­cal indus­tries as well as envi­ron­men­tal monitoring.

The­se devices pro­vi­de pre­cise and relia­ble ana­ly­ses and sup­port qua­li­ty con­trol, pro­cess moni­to­ring and rese­arch and development.

Our solutions: Inno Spectra and trinamiX

Both pro­ducts are equip­ped with uni­que advantages:

Inno Spec­tra is ver­sa­ti­le and adap­ta­ble, sui­ta­ble for dif­fe­rent needs and requi­re­ments, while tri­na­miX offers rea­dy-to-use appli­ca­ti­ons tail­o­red to spe­ci­fic indus­tries, ensu­ring con­ve­ni­ence and efficiency.

Inno Spectra

  • Offers a ran­ge of NIR spec­tro­me­ters with three dif­fe­rent wave­length ranges 
    • 900 nm - 1,700 nm
    • 1,350 nm - 2,150 nm
    • 1,600 nm - 2,400 nm
  • Includes trans­mis­si­ve and reflec­ti­ve mea­su­ring spec­tro­me­ters for the ana­ly­sis of solids and liquids.
  • Offers a free app for recor­ding spec­tra and soft­ware for trai­ning data models.


  • Spe­cia­li­zed in rea­dy-to-use appli­ca­ti­ons for various industries.
  • Appli­ca­ti­ons include pla­s­tics recy­cling, tex­ti­le recy­cling, mate­ri­al ana­ly­sis of PV sys­tems and bioplastics.
  • Ope­ra­tes in the wave­length ran­ge from 1450 nm to 2450 nm.
  • The device is user-fri­end­ly and easy to operate.

Whe­ther you are loo­king for ver­sa­ti­li­ty and cus­to­miza­ti­on or indus­try-spe­ci­fic appli­ca­ti­ons: We have the right NIR spec­tro­me­ter for your requirements.


The com­pact NIR spec­tro­me­ters offer powerful appli­ca­ti­ons for a wide ran­ge of indus­tries. This makes our solu­ti­ons indis­pensable helpers

Typi­cal ques­ti­ons are:

  • Is it sub­s­tance A, B or C?
  • Are the deli­ver­ed goods still within the pre­de­fi­ned fluctuation?

Indi­vi­du­al appli­ca­ti­ons can also be used to sol­ve tasks such as:

  • Deter­mi­na­ti­on of the con­tent of sub­s­tance A in B
Compact NIR spectrometer 1

For ver­sa­ti­le labo­ra­to­ry applications.

trinamiX Spektromer, smartphone app und Kundenportal

Rea­dy-made appli­ca­ti­ons for many industries.