Inno Spec­tra
Plat­form for rapid qua­li­ty inspection

Intro­du­cing: Inno Spec­tra - Your part­ner for advan­ced spec­tro­sco­pic solutions

We are deligh­ted to announ­ce our part­ner­ship with Inno Spec­tra Tech­no­lo­gy, a pio­nee­ring sub­si­dia­ry of the Core­tro­nic Group foun­ded in 2017. Inno Spec­tra is dedi­ca­ted to the deve­lo­p­ment and dis­tri­bu­ti­on of minia­tu­re pro­ducts for near-infrared spec­tro­sco­py (NIR) and is revo­lu­tio­ni­zing various indus­tries with its cut­ting-edge technology.

Near-infrared spec­tro­sco­py (NIRS) isat the heart of the Inno Spec­tra pro­duct ran­ge and uti­li­zes the absorp­ti­on of elec­tro­ma­gne­tic radia­ti­on in the wave­length ran­ge from 700 to 2,500 nm. NIR radia­ti­on is through mole­cu­lar Vibra­ti­on mecha­nisms absor­bed, in par­ti­cu­lar through Bin­dings like O-H, N-H, C-H, S-H, what one com­pre­hen­si­ve Ana­ly­sis firm­er, mud­dier and more liquid Samples enables. Thisuni­que capa­bi­li­ty, cou­pled with advan­ced che­mo­me­trics, has chan­ged the ana­ly­ti­cal land­scape in agri­cul­tu­re, phar­maceu­ti­cals, bio­me­trics and many other fields.

Compact and cost-effective DLP-based NIR spectrometer

The com­pact and cost-effec­ti­ve DLP-based NIR spec­tro­me­ters include Fiber input modu­les, dif­fu­se reflec­ti­ve Modu­les and trans­mis­si­ve Modu­les for Wave­lengths from 900 nm to 2.400 nm. Uti­li­zing a sophisti­ca­ted opti­cal sys­tem, inclu­ding a digi­tal micro­mir­ror (DMD) and a sin­gle ele­ment InGaAs detec­tor,Inno Spectra’s NIR­Scan pro­ducts achie­ve unpar­al­le­led per­for­mance and versatility.

The most important advan­ta­ges of DLP tech­no­lo­gy in NIR spec­tro­sco­py include

Improved performance

Lar­ger sin­gle ele­ment detec­tor out­per­forms tra­di­tio­nal line­ar arrays.

Customizable patterns

Opti­mum opti­cal per­for­mance for every sys­tem thanks to the high-reso­lu­ti­on DMD (digi­tal micro­mir­ror device).

Improved SNR

Impro­ved signal-to-noi­se ratio (SNR) with pro­gramma­ble Hada­mard pat­terns that cap­tu­re hig­her opti­cal ener­gy for pre­cise analysis.

With Inno Spectra’s exper­ti­se and sta­te-of-the-art solu­ti­ons, we are able to pro­vi­de our cus­to­mers with unpar­al­le­led spec­tro­sco­pic capa­bi­li­ties, enab­ling them to effi­ci­ent­ly over­co­me com­plex qua­li­ty test­ing and ana­ly­sis chal­lenges. Join us on the road to a safer, smar­ter future with Inno Spectra’s inno­va­ti­ve technologies.

Inno Spec­tra pro­vi­des soft­ware that enables the recor­ding of NIR spec­tra in CSV for­mat(Apple Store, Goog­le Store). Our soft­ware enables the acqui­si­ti­on of NIR spec­tra in the open JDX for­mat and offers the opti­on of using com­plex data models or even crea­ting your own models. The seam­less inte­gra­ti­on of Inno Spec­tra hard­ware with our soft­ware enables you to deve­lop pro­to­ty­pes and trans­fer the algo­rith­ms of the data models to hyper­spec­tral (HSI) came­ra sys­tems - a seam­less tran­si­ti­on from tech­ni­cal fea­si­bi­li­ty to indus­tri­al solu­ti­on.

NIR spectrometer selection guide

Diffuse reflectance

Wave­length / device designation

  • 900 - 1,700 nm: G1 / R2 / R3 / RT1
  • 1,350 - 2,150 nm: R11 / R12
  • 1,600 - 2,400 nm: R13

Dif­fu­se reflec­ti­ve mode

  • Opaque solids and powders
  • Slur­ry or opaque liquid (e.g. milk)

Trans­flec­ti­ve mode

  • Trans­pa­rent solid or liquids (e.g. wine) (need to add a reflector)

Transmission measurement

Wave­length / device designation

  • 900 - 1,700 nm: T1 / T2
  • 1,350 - 2,150 nm: T11 / T12
  • 1,600 - 2,400 nm: T13

Trans­mis­si­ve mode

  • Trans­pa­rent solid (e.g. trans­pa­rent pla­s­tic pla­te, like PET)
  • Trans­pa­rent liquid (e.g. wine)
  • Slur­ry or opaque liquid (e.g. milk) (with very short path length)

We focus on the devices men­tio­ned abo­ve. Howe­ver, you can obtain all Inno Spec­tra pro­ducts from us, e.g. spec­tro­me­ters with fiber optic connection.

Are you interested?

Contact us now

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