Unbeatable End-of-Year Offer: trinamiX Scanner with “10 Plastics” database for Only €1,548 per Year!

Loo­king for a cut­­ting-edge solu­ti­on to stream­li­ne mate­ri­al iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on in your busi­ness? Don’t miss out on this limi­­t­ed-time end-of-year offer on the tri­na­miX scan­ner with appli­ca­ti­on “10 Pla­s­tics”, now available for just €1,548 per year! “10 Pla­s­tics” has recent­ly been expan­ded and now includes HDPE, LDPE, PET, PP, PS, PVC, PA, ABS, PC & PLA at the same pri­ce as the pre­vious ver­si­on with fewer pla­s­tics, making it even more attrac­tively priced.

This powerful hand­held device, desi­gned to ele­va­te effi­ci­en­cy and accu­ra­cy, is now more acces­si­ble than ever with this exclu­si­ve pro­mo­ti­on available until the end of 2024. A new pri­cing model with hig­her initi­al cos­ts will then be implemented.

Why Choose the trinamiX Scanner?

The tri­na­miX pla­s­tic scan­ner is a com­pact, mobi­le NIR (Near-Infrared) spec­tro­me­ter that offers high­ly accu­ra­te, real-time results through a seam­less com­bi­na­ti­on of hard­ware minia­tu­riza­ti­on and cloud-based data ana­ly­sis. Built for dura­bi­li­ty and ease of use, it’s the per­fect tool for indus­tries that requi­re relia­ble mate­ri­al veri­fi­ca­ti­on and sort­ing. Some of the key appli­ca­ti­ons also available at this year end deal are:

  • Pla­s­tics Sort­ing: Iden­ti­fy and cate­go­ri­ze pla­s­tic mate­ri­als swift­ly and accurately.
  • 10 Pla­s­tics Reflec­ti­vi­ty: Assess the reflec­ti­vi­ty of pla­s­tics for pre­cise mate­ri­al analysis.
  • PE-PP Iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on: Deter­mi­ne the spe­ci­fic poly­mer types in materials.
  • Com­post­a­ble Pla­s­tics: Iden­ti­fy and clas­si­fy com­post­a­ble mate­ri­als, hel­ping sup­port sus­tainable choices.
trinamiX portable plastic scanner with various pieces of solid plastic waste, fishing nets, etc.

You can add any of the­se appli­ca­ti­ons and more users at a later date at an afforda­ble pri­ce. Take advan­ta­ge of the low cost basic ren­tal agree­ment which covers the cost of hard­ware, users and our basic pla­s­tics database.

With up to 6,000 mea­su­re­ments per char­ge, the tri­na­miX scan­ner ensu­res your work­day is unin­ter­rupt­ed by fre­quent char­ging. Each scan pro­vi­des actionable insights, acces­si­ble on a glo­bal­ly con­nec­ted data­ba­se available across devices, inclu­ding Win­dows, Android, and iOS.

Offer Details

For just €1,548 per year, this end-of-year offer includes:

  • tri­na­miX Scan­ner with appli­ca­ti­on „10 Pla­s­tics“
  • Access for 2 users with sup­port for mul­ti­ple ope­ra­tors in dif­fe­rent locations
  • Basic sup­port to ensu­re a seam­less inte­gra­ti­on and ongo­ing ope­ra­ti­on of your scanner
  • Auto­ma­tic annu­al rene­wal (with easy can­cel­la­ti­on if needed)
  • Add any other appli­ca­ti­ons and more users at a later date at an afforda­ble price.

Fly­er Plastics

Addi­tio­nal­ly, lon­ger lea­se opti­ons are available for 3- and 5-year plans, pro­vi­ding fle­xi­bi­li­ty and sta­bi­li­ty in your ope­ra­ti­ons. This offer is valid only until Decem­ber 31, 2024, so act fast to lock in this price!

A new pri­cing model with hig­her initi­al cos­ts will then be implemented.

The Future of Material Analysis: 2025 and Beyond

This offer also comes with exci­ting pos­si­bi­li­ties for the future. Start­ing in 2025, a new pri­cing model will be available for tri­na­miX scan­ners, along with upgrade opti­ons that let you expand your device’s capa­bi­li­ties by adding more appli­ca­ti­ons. Take advan­ta­ge of this offer now to enjoy access to new fea­tures and appli­ca­ti­ons that can grow with your business.

Why Act Now?

This is a limi­­t­ed-time offer with signi­fi­cant savings on a solu­ti­on that’s alre­a­dy trus­ted by indus­tries around the world. The tri­na­miX scan­ner is not just a purcha­se; it’s an invest­ment in accu­ra­cy, effi­ci­en­cy, and sus­tainable practices.

Don’t wait—empower your team with the tri­na­miX scan­ner at this unbeata­ble end-of-year pri­ce. Whe­ther for pla­s­tics, tex­ti­les, or other mate­ri­als, you’ll gain a high-per­­forming tool to boost your bot­tom line.

For more details on addi­tio­nal appli­ca­ti­ons, see the full pro­duct bro­chu­re or cont­act our team direct­ly at yearenddeal2024@solidscanner.com

Order online

Buy direct­ly from our online store. Check for more offers!

About us – Solid Scanner

Let’s take respon­si­bi­li­ty and recy­cle more pla­s­tics – ask us for sui­ta­ble solu­ti­ons. Our port­fo­lio includes solu­ti­ons ran­ging from small, por­ta­ble solu­ti­ons to indi­vi­du­al solu­ti­ons based on hyper­spec­tral came­ra sys­tems for simp­le, auto­ma­ted iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of pla­s­tics in the sort­ing pro­cess and for inline pro­cess con­trol, e.g. for homogeneity.

About trinamiX – the sensor technology company

tri­na­miX GmbH, based in Lud­wigs­ha­fen, was foun­ded in 2015 as a whol­ly owned sub­si­dia­ry of BASF SE. As a start-up within the com­pa­ny, it is not only ope­ra­tio­nal­ly inde­pen­dent, but also has uni­que access to the exper­ti­se and expe­ri­ence of the enti­re BASF Group. Its patent-pen­­ding tech­no­lo­gies enable peo­p­le and machi­nes to cap­tu­re the hid­den and invi­si­ble world around them to make bet­ter decis­i­ons and increase safety.