Detect water absorption quickly and reliably with NIR

Water absorp­ti­on is often desi­ra­ble with PA, as it increa­ses the impact strength. Howe­ver, wit­hout being able to deter­mi­ne the water con­tent quick­ly and relia­bly, the pro­ces­sing effort increa­ses. NIR relia­bly distin­gu­is­hes poly­mers with dif­fe­rent water con­tents in seconds.

Polyamides: Water absorption causes problems with dimensional stability

Poly­ami­des can be used in many dif­fe­rent ways. PA6 and PA66 in par­ti­cu­lar can signi­fi­cant­ly impro­ve their pro­per­ties by adding cer­tain sub­s­tances. When water is absor­bed, the impact strength, elon­ga­ti­on at break and ten­den­cy to creep increase, while strength, stiff­ness and hard­ness decrease. Howe­ver, mois­tu­re absorp­ti­on is accom­pa­nied by a chan­ge in volu­me which leads to pro­blems with dimen­sio­nal sta­bi­li­ty. If the water con­tent chan­ges, the mea­su­re­ment chan­ges. Deter­mi­ning the water con­tent is essen­ti­al for cor­rect pro­ces­sing. Howe­ver, the sto­rage of pla­s­tics in the open air or in humid cli­ma­tes in par­ti­cu­lar leads to unknown chan­ges in the water content.

How to distinguish PA with different water content?

Near-infrared spec­tro­sco­py (NIR) is a method that can be used to dif­fe­ren­tia­te bet­ween pla­s­tics with dif­fe­rent mois­tu­re con­tents in a mat­ter of seconds. NIR is an opti­cal method that con­verts the light reflec­ted by the mate­ri­al under inves­ti­ga­ti­on into a spec­trum. Depen­ding on the che­mi­cal com­po­si­ti­on of the poly­mer, dif­fe­rent wave­lengths are reflec­ted. If the che­mi­cal com­po­si­ti­on chan­ges, the mea­su­red spec­trum chan­ges. Near-infrared spec­tro­sco­py is the­r­e­fo­re a method that pro­du­ces results in just a few seconds.

NIR reliably detects moisture

NIR works in the wave­length ran­ge from 900 nm to 1,700 nm. Water influen­ces the signals in the ran­ge from 1,200 nm to 1,400 nm, it atte­nua­tes the actu­al signal of the poly­ami­de. Becau­se water chan­ges the NIR signal over such a wide ran­ge, even the smal­lest dif­fe­ren­ces in water con­tent lead to strong dif­fe­ren­ces in the NIR signal. This means that even small dif­fe­ren­ces in mois­tu­re absorp­ti­on can be relia­bly detected.


PA with a hig­her mois­tu­re con­tent is cha­rac­te­ri­zed by less pro­no­un­ced spec­tra, par­ti­cu­lar­ly in the 1,400 nm to 1,600 nm range.


The rela­ti­ve dif­fe­ren­ces cle­ar­ly show that the spec­tra of the dry PA samples dif­fer signi­fi­cant­ly from the spec­tra of the wet PA samples in seve­ral places. Unknown mate­ri­al can thus be quick­ly assi­gned to one group or another.


In this abs­trac­ted repre­sen­ta­ti­on, the spec­tra of the dry PA samples are shown in blue and the spec­tra of the wet PA samples in red.

Moisture absorption of polycarbonate (PC)

Not only poly­ami­des absorb mois­tu­re, but also PC and PMMA are sus­cep­ti­ble to this problem.


The dif­fe­ren­ces bet­ween two dif­fe­rent (but dry) PC samples (PC.A and PC.B) are shown here in direct com­pa­ri­son to a moist sam­ple. The wet sam­ple dif­fers significantly.


Due to the spe­ci­fic mode of ope­ra­ti­on of near-infrared, pla­s­tics with the smal­lest dif­fe­ren­ces in mois­tu­re con­tent can be quick­ly and relia­bly distin­gu­is­hed. The fist-sized NIR scan­ner Solid Scan­ner is the­r­e­fo­re per­fect for dif­fe­ren­tia­ting mate­ri­als direct­ly on site at the sto­rage loca­ti­on or in pro­duc­tion. For this exam­p­le we used Hard­ware


Refe­rence data

Basic refe­rence database