Right of withdrawal for consumers

(A con­su­mer is any natu­ral per­son who enters into a legal tran­sac­tion for pur­po­ses that are pre­do­mi­nant­ly out­side their trade, busi­ness or profession).

Cancellation policy

Right of withdrawal

You have the right to with­draw from this con­tract within four­teen days wit­hout giving any reason.

The revo­ca­ti­on peri­od is four­teen days from the date,

  • on which you or a third par­ty named by you, who is not the car­ri­er, has or has taken pos­ses­si­on of the goods, pro­vi­ded that you have orde­red one or more goods as part of a sin­gle order and the­se are or will be deli­ver­ed uni­form­ly, or
  • on which you or a third par­ty named by you, who is not the car­ri­er, have taken pos­ses­si­on of the last goods, pro­vi­ded that you have orde­red seve­ral goods as part of a sin­gle order and the­se are deli­ver­ed sepa­ra­te­ly, or
  • on which you or a third par­ty named by you, who is not the car­ri­er, have taken pos­ses­si­on of the last par­ti­al ship­ment or the last pie­ce, if you have orde­red goods that are deli­ver­ed in seve­ral par­ti­al ship­ments or pie­ces, or
  • on which you or a third par­ty named by you, who is not the car­ri­er, have taken pos­ses­si­on of the first goods, pro­vi­ded that you have con­cluded a con­tract for the regu­lar deli­very of goods over a fixed peri­od of time.

To exer­cise the right to can­cel, you must inform us (Ste­fan Eich­horn, Pasin­ger Bahn­hofs­platz 4, 81241 Mün­chen, Deutsch­land, Tele­fon­num­mer: +49 (89) 209 693 39, E-Mail-Adres­se: info@solidscanner.com) of your decis­i­on to can­cel this con­tract by a clear state­ment (e.g. a let­ter sent by post, e-mail).
You can use the atta­ched sam­ple with­dra­wal form, but this is not mandatory. 

To meet the with­dra­wal dead­line, it is suf­fi­ci­ent for you to send your noti­fi­ca­ti­on of exer­cis­ing your right of with­dra­wal befo­re the with­dra­wal peri­od has expired.

Consequences of revocation

If you with­draw from this con­tract, we shall reim­bur­se to you all pay­ments recei­ved from you, inclu­ding the cos­ts of deli­very (with the excep­ti­on of the sup­ple­men­ta­ry cos­ts resul­ting from your choice of a type of deli­very other than the least expen­si­ve type of stan­dard deli­very offe­red by us), wit­hout undue delay and in any event not later than 14 days from the day on which we are infor­med about your decis­i­on to with­draw from this contract.
For this repay­ment, we will use the same means of pay­ment that you used for the ori­gi­nal tran­sac­tion, unless express­ly agreed other­wi­se with you; under no cir­cum­s­tances will you be char­ged any fees for this repayment. 

We may refu­se to refund you until we have recei­ved the goods back or until you have pro­vi­ded pro­of that you have retur­ned the goods, whi­che­ver is the earliest.

You must return or hand over the goods to us imme­dia­te­ly and in any case within four­teen days at the latest from the day on which you inform us of the revo­ca­ti­on of this contract.
The dead­line is met if you send the goods befo­re the peri­od of four­teen days has expired. 

We bear the cost of retur­ning the goods. 

You only have to pay for any loss in value of the goods if this loss in value is due to hand­ling of the goods that is not neces­sa­ry for che­cking their con­di­ti­on, pro­per­ties and functionality. 

Sample withdrawal form

(If you wish to can­cel the con­tract, plea­se fill out this form and send it back to us).

- To

Ste­fan Eich­horn, Pasin­ger Bahn­hofs­platz 4, 81241 Munich, Ger­ma­ny, tele­pho­ne num­ber: +49 (89) 209 693 39, e-mail address: info@solidscanner.com

- I/we (*) her­eby revo­ke the con­tract con­cluded by me/us (*) for the purcha­se of the fol­lo­wing goods (*)/the pro­vi­si­on of the fol­lo­wing service (*)

- Orde­red on (*)/received on (*)

- Name of the consumer(s)

- Address of the consumer(s)

- Signa­tu­re of the consumer(s) (only for noti­fi­ca­ti­on on paper)

- Date

(*) Dele­te as appropriate.