We focus exclu­si­ve­ly on sup­port­ing our cus­to­mers
with sta­te-of-the-art mea­su­re­ment tech­no­lo­gy for qua­li­ty assurance.

Our dri­ve: using resour­ces wisely

The world is in a con­stant sta­te of chan­ge, and today this chan­ge is more tan­gi­ble than ever. In this era, many estab­lished beliefs are being chal­len­ged, while we often ask our­sel­ves the ques­ti­on: Isn’t the­re per­haps an even bet­ter idea?

What has undoub­ted­ly never been a good idea is the was­teful use of resour­ces, whe­ther through sin­gle use, misu­se or lack of recycling.

With our exper­ti­se, we are hel­ping to make the world a bet­ter place and achie­ve the goals of the EU Green Deal.

Our jour­ney began with NIR …

Our jour­ney began with what is pro­ba­b­ly the smal­lest com­mer­ci­al­ly available NIR spec­tro­me­ter. This mobi­le solu­ti­on has pro­ven its­elf and is par­ti­cu­lar­ly app­re­cia­ted in pla­s­tics and tex­ti­le recy­cling as well as in labo­ra­to­ry appli­ca­ti­ons as a “mobi­le mini-laboratory”.

The tri­na­miX NIR solu­ti­on offers con­cre­te and imme­dia­te added value in the field of pla­s­tics and tex­ti­le recy­cling. In view of the urgent need to signi­fi­cant­ly increase recy­cling rates by 2030, many peo­p­le, inclu­ding tho­se from out­side the indus­try, need to get to grips with mate­ri­al iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on. Our solu­ti­ons make it pos­si­ble to quick­ly gain a com­pre­hen­si­ve over­view and a deeper under­stan­ding of the mate­ri­als used. The times when the wrong mate­ri­als were pro­ces­sed due to igno­rance are now a thing of the past - a small but signi­fi­cant step in the right direction.

Inline moni­to­ring with HSI came­ras, also known as “che­mi­cal ima­ging”, is ide­al for con­ti­nuous pro­duc­tion. Thanks to high­ly sen­si­ti­ve sen­sors and indus­tri­al inter­faces, this tech­no­lo­gy can be seam­less­ly inte­gra­ted into pro­duc­tion con­trol sys­tems. This enables imme­dia­te reac­tions wit­hout the need to pro­du­ce lar­ge quan­ti­ties of rejects.

About us: Exper­ti­se from Munich for cus­to­mers worldwide

Our head­quar­ters in Munich allows us to con­nect with cus­to­mers all over the world and sup­port them across all time zones. Alt­hough our jour­ney star­ted in the pla­s­tics indus­try, we quick­ly spe­cia­li­zed in sup­port­ing cus­to­mers from dif­fe­rent indus­tries. Thanks to our in-depth know­ledge of opti­cal sen­sor sys­tems, we can easi­ly trans­fer our exper­ti­se to other industries.

We see our­sel­ves as pro­blem sol­vers and are proud that our cus­to­mers app­re­cia­te our fast respon­se times and pre­cise ans­wers. Our part­ner­ships with lea­ding experts, whe­ther in hard­ware or soft­ware deve­lo­p­ment, enable us to offer holi­stic solu­ti­ons that are tail­o­red to the indi­vi­du­al needs of our customers.

In our web­shop we offer various access­ories for easy down­load, espe­ci­al­ly NIR refe­rence data in open JDX for­mat and flat reflec­tion stan­dards made of opti­cal PTFE.