Incoming goods inspection despite delivery certificate using the example of established suppliers

Mobi­le NIR hand­held scan­ners can be used to inspect inco­ming goods as soon as they arri­ve. The fol­lo­wing exam­p­le shows NIR spec­tra of gra­nu­la­tes from well-known manufacturers.


The simi­la­ri­ties in the che­mi­cal com­po­si­ti­on of some mate­ri­als can be easi­ly reco­gni­zed from the NIR spec­tra, espe­ci­al­ly in the clus­ter display.

Alcu­dia PA-440 and Escore­ne UL 00119 are so che­mi­cal­ly simi­lar that it is dif­fi­cult to distin­gu­ish bet­ween them wit­hout fur­ther pre­pa­ra­ti­on of the samples.

In detail, the­se are
EVA Escore­ne UL 00119 Exxon­Mo­bil
EVA Alcu­dia PA-440 Rep­sol
TPC-ET Key­flex 1030 D LG Chem
TPC Hyt­rel 4056 DuPont
LLDPE Sabic 318 Sabic