Portable NIR spectrometer as mini-lab

Handheld near infrared spectrometer

New sensor technology allows compact, cost-effective design & easy operation

The easy-to-use NIR scan­ner, hard­ly lar­ger than a stan­dard com­pu­ter mou­se, is used both insi­de and out­side labo­ra­to­ries, e.g. in inco­ming goods or pro­duc­tion. The Solid Scan­ner expli­cit­ly dis­pen­ses with many set­ting opti­ons and ins­tead offers the essen­ti­al func­tions that are con­trol­led with a button.

This way you can crea­te a spec­trum of the desi­red mate­ri­al in less than 1 second and imme­dia­te­ly make a state­ment about the type and qua­li­ty of the mate­ri­al. The Solid Scan­ner ser­ves you as a mini-labo­ra­to­ry and is in many cases a simp­le and inex­pen­si­ve solu­ti­on for labo­ra­to­ries ente­ring the world of NIR spectroscopy.

The working principle

The scan­ning pro­cess is eit­her star­ted with the only available but­ton on the scan­ner its­elf, or by a soft­ware but­ton on the com­pu­ter. Ther­eby, the NIR scan­ner mea­su­res an area of 3 x 3 mm and in case of non-trans­pa­rent (pla­s­tic) mate­ri­als up to a depth of 0.2 mm up to 0.3 mm, in case of trans­pa­rent mate­ri­als accor­din­gly deeper. The gene­ra­ted spec­trum is an avera­ge value of the che­mi­cal com­po­si­ti­on of this material.

In this way, coa­tings on mate­ri­als can also be detec­ted and dif­fe­ren­tia­ted. From a lay­er thic­k­ness of approx. 50 µm to 100 µm, dif­fe­ren­ces in the NIR spec­trum beco­me visible.

Für Feststoffe - Solid Scanner English 1

Visua­liza­ti­on of NIR spec­tra from 900 nm to 1,700 nm by absorbance.


Für Feststoffe - Solid Scanner English 2
  • Small, com­pact por­ta­ble NIR spectrometer
  • Latest gene­ra­ti­on NIR detec­tor, as powerful as labo­ra­to­ry solutions
  • Per­fect for mobi­le use at the office and in the field
  • Safe ope­ra­ti­on also gua­ran­teed by non-pro­fes­sio­nals wit­hout labo­ra­to­ry expe­ri­ence or training
  • Open JDX data for­mat allows fur­ther pro­ces­sing of the gene­ra­ted spec­tra (with other soft­ware solutions)
  • Quick amor­ti­sa­ti­on due to low acqui­si­ti­on cos­ts and short lear­ning times
  • 2,000 h life­time of the light source for over 7,000,000 times iden­ti­fy­ing & ana­ly­sing substances

Available options

The scope of deli­very of the scan­ner includes our soft­ware solu­ti­on with the soft­ware base modu­le for gene­ra­ti­on, visua­li­sa­ti­on and sto­rage of NIR spec­tra. It enables experts to iden­ti­fy pla­s­tics by inter­pre­ting the mea­su­red spec­trum. Howe­ver, no expert know­ledge is neces­sa­ry to use the Solid Scan­ner to iden­ti­fy materials.

On this tech­no­lo­gi­cal basis, we offer the use of various (pre­fa­bri­ca­ted) “appli­ca­ti­ons”:

  • Stan­dard ana­ly­sis: grou­ping spec­tra tog­e­ther. This enables them to reco­g­ni­se cor­re­la­ti­ons in lar­ge amounts of data. You can teach in dif­fe­rent groups and then crea­te your own appli­ca­ti­on from them. A clas­sic appli­ca­ti­on exam­p­le for this is the inco­ming goods inspection.
  • Stan­dard appli­ca­ti­ons – appli­ca­ti­ons that we have deve­lo­ped for spe­ci­fic tasks. Examp­les of this:
    - Pla­s­tics data­base – iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of pla­s­tics based on our references.
    - NIR detec­ta­bi­li­ty – enables the quan­ti­ta­ti­ve deter­mi­na­ti­on of a NIR signal in direct com­pa­ri­son to a refe­rence signal.
    - Indi­vi­du­al applications
    If you need an indi­vi­du­al solu­ti­on for your task, we can deve­lop almost any com­plex appli­ca­ti­on for you.
Für Feststoffe - Solid Scanner English 3

The clus­ter ana­ly­sis cle­ar­ly shows simi­lar spec­tra in groups. The­re are very homo­ge­neous groups with litt­le varia­ti­on in the NIR signal (e.g. green group), but also groups with high varia­ti­on (e.g. yel­low group).

Applications for a handheld NIR scanner

This makes the Solid Scan­ner an indis­pensable tool for the fast and relia­ble deter­mi­na­ti­on of batch varia­ti­ons, the initi­al assess­ment of dama­ge cases, com­pe­ti­ti­on ana­ly­sis or the sort­ing of pro­duc­tion was­te by type.

  • Pla­s­tics con­sul­tants, engi­nee­ring ser­vice pro­vi­ders and test­ing ser­vice pro­vi­ders use the com­pact scan­ner to prepa­re spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons and expert reports.
  • Labo­ra­to­ry mana­gers, on the other hand, app­re­cia­te the advan­ta­ges for quick mate­ri­al analysis.
  • Qua­li­ty mana­gers and pro­duc­tion mana­gers, on the other hand, check curing pro­ces­ses for epo­xy resins or the cor­rect allo­ca­ti­on of mate­ri­als in the warehouse in ran­dom samples.


  • Inline mea­su­re­ments are only limi­t­ed pos­si­ble due to the mea­su­re­ment dura­ti­on of 500 ms
  • The fol­lo­wing mate­ri­als can­not be mea­su­red, or only with seve­re limitations:
    - Pla­s­tics colou­red with car­bon black absorb lar­ge parts of the light impul­se. In such cases, the mea­su­re­ment dura­ti­on must be set con­sider­a­b­ly hig­her. The mea­su­re­ment of very dark or black pla­s­tics is the­r­e­fo­re not pos­si­ble. If the black colo­ra­ti­on is pro­du­ced wit­hout car­bon black – for exam­p­le by com­bi­ning dif­fe­rent color pig­ments – mea­su­re­ment with NIR is pos­si­ble wit­hout restrictions.
    - Metals
    - Inor­ga­nic pow­ders, such as pure tita­ni­um dioxi­de If tita­ni­um dioxi­de is used as fil­ler, it wea­k­ens the signal. Thus, white colou­red PVC pla­s­tics with dif­fe­rent fil­ler con­tents are distinguished.