Diffuse Reflectance Standard, white, 50 - 150 mm

175,00 425,00 

Diffuse Reflectance Standard made of optical PTFE. Various sizes available.

Delivery time: up to 14 days

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Reflec­tance stan­dard white made of opti­cal PTFE for (almost) per­fect dif­fu­se reflection.


  • Reflec­tion > 98 % @ 400 nm to 800 nm
  • Reflec­tion > 93 % @ 250 nm to 2,500 nm
  • Squa­re various sizes x 2 mm.
  • One page usable.


  • Flat design for mea­su­ring thin and trans­pa­rent mate­ri­al in the simp­lest pos­si­ble way.
  • Hin­ged lid with magne­tic clo­sure for safe storage.

The Reflec­tance Stan­dard White acces­so­ry, craf­ted from high-qua­li­ty opti­cal PTFE, offers near­ly per­fect dif­fu­se reflec­tion, making it an essen­ti­al tool for spec­tro­me­ter cali­bra­ti­on and per­for­mance test­ing. With reflec­tance values excee­ding 98% in the 400–800 nm ran­ge and over 93% across the 250–2,500 nm spec­trum, this ver­sa­ti­le stan­dard ensu­res pre­cis­i­on and relia­bi­li­ty in UV-VIS-NIR measurements.

Its flat design is spe­ci­fi­cal­ly tail­o­red for mea­su­ring thin and trans­pa­rent mate­ri­als with ease. Available in various squa­re sizes with a 2 mm thic­k­ness, this acces­so­ry adapts to diver­se mea­su­re­ment needs, ensu­ring con­sis­tent results in both labo­ra­to­ry and field settings.

The housing fea­tures a hin­ged lid with a magne­tic clo­sure, pro­vi­ding secu­re sto­rage and pro­tec­tion for the stan­dard when not in use. Com­pact and robust, it is an indis­pensable acces­so­ry for pro­fes­sio­nals aiming for accu­ra­te, repro­du­ci­b­le spec­tro­me­ter readings.

Order the Reflec­tance Stan­dard White today to enhan­ce your spec­tro­me­try appli­ca­ti­ons. Glo­bal ship­ping and respon­si­ve cus­to­mer sup­port ensu­re a seam­less purcha­sing experience.

Additional information


50 * 50 mm, 70 * 70 mm, 100 * 100 mm, 150 * 150 mm

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