Download sample data trinamiX

This data package contains sample data created with the trinamiX NIR solution.



This data packa­ge con­ta­ins sam­ple data crea­ted with the tri­na­miX NIR solu­ti­on - an NIR scan­ner for solids. The device ope­ra­tes in the ran­ge from 1,400 nm to 2,500 nm. Sel­ec­ted data can be down­loa­ded from the cus­to­mer por­tal as CSV and XLS files.

This sam­ple data con­ta­ins 3 mea­su­re­ments in a CSV file in the wave­length ran­ge from 1,450 nm to 2,450 nm. The data was ana­ly­zed using the “Pla­s­tics PRO” application.

You will recei­ve a down­load link for a ZIP file.

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