Preparation jars


Preparation jars with snap-on lid, approx. 65 mm high.

Delivery time: up to 14 days

SKU: 530 Category:


Pre­pa­ra­ti­on jars made of quartz glass. Ide­al for mea­su­ring pow­ders and gra­nu­la­tes with near infrared (NIR).

  • Approx. Ø 26 mm x 65 mm
  • Flat bot­tom
  • Glass thic­k­ness approx. 1 mm
  • 1 pack con­ta­ins 100 jars, inclu­ding matching snap-on lids

Pro­duct Description

Our high-qua­li­ty quartz glass pre­pa­ra­ti­on jars are spe­ci­fi­cal­ly desi­gned for pre­cise near-infrared (NIR) spec­tro­sco­pic ana­ly­sis of pow­ders and gra­nu­la­tes. Each jar mea­su­res appro­xi­m­ate­ly 26 mm in dia­me­ter and 65 mm in height, fea­turing a flat flo­or and a wall thic­k­ness of about 1 mm. The flat bot­tom design mini­mi­zes reflec­tions, ensu­ring accu­ra­te and con­sis­tent mea­su­re­ments. Each pack includes 100 jars, com­ple­te with matching snap-on lids for secu­re sam­ple containment.

Usa­ge Recommendations

For opti­mal results, we recom­mend using thin sap­phi­re glass vials with an even bot­tom to fur­ther redu­ce reflec­tions and enhan­ce mea­su­re­ment accu­ra­cy. Posi­ti­on the spec­tro­me­ter mea­su­re­ment head poin­ting upward, and place the pow­der-fil­led glass vial direct­ly on top of the head. This set­up crea­tes a simp­le and pre­cise mea­su­re­ment sys­tem with excel­lent repeatability.

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