Avenir Photonics

Advan­cing Spec­tro­sco­py for a Bet­ter Future.

Foun­ded in 2021 and based in Regens­burg, Ger­ma­ny, Ave­nir Pho­to­nics spe­cia­li­zes in deve­lo­ping com­pact opti­cal spec­tro­me­ters for indus­tri­al pro­cess ana­ly­tics and mobi­le appli­ca­ti­ons. With over a deca­de of expe­ri­ence in inte­gra­ted pho­to­nic sys­tems, the com­pa­ny focu­ses on crea­ting inno­va­ti­ve solu­ti­ons that address the chal­lenges faced by sci­en­tists and engi­neers today. Their pro­ducts are distin­gu­is­hed by high sen­si­ti­vi­ty, low stray light, and robust design, making them sui­ta­ble for both labo­ra­to­ry and field use:

Introducing Siena NIR Spectrometer

Unmat­ched Per­for­mance and Fle­xi­bi­li­ty for Indus­tri­al and Por­ta­ble Applications

The Sie­na NIR Spec­tro­me­ter by Ave­nir Pho­to­nics sets a new stan­dard in near-infrared spec­tro­sco­py by com­bi­ning high per­for­mance, afforda­bili­ty, and ver­sa­ti­li­ty. Whe­ther you’­re an R&D spe­cia­list loo­king for pre­cise labo­ra­to­ry mea­su­re­ments or an indus­tri­al engi­neer see­king relia­ble por­ta­ble solu­ti­ons, the Sie­na deli­vers excep­tio­nal results wit­hout the need for com­plex coo­ling systems.

Key Features That Set the Siena Apart

Extended Wavelength Range (800-2100 nm)

The Sie­na offers a broa­der wave­length ran­ge than most com­pe­ti­tors, with con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons rea­ching up to 2100 nm. This exten­ded capa­bi­li­ty enables appli­ca­ti­ons across a wide varie­ty of indus­tries, inclu­ding phar­maceu­ti­cals, agri­cul­tu­re, and envi­ron­men­tal monitoring.

InGaAs Sensor

The Sien­a’s advan­ced InGaAs sen­sor includes built-in dark cur­rent com­pen­sa­ti­on, allo­wing it to ope­ra­te up to 2100 nm wit­hout any coo­ling. This means redu­ced size, lower power con­sump­ti­on, and no need for bul­ky coo­ling fans, making it ide­al for por­ta­ble use.

Exceptional Sensitivity and Minimal Stray Light

With a signal-to-noi­se ratio of 1000 and opti­mi­zed stray light sup­pres­si­on (0.08%), the Sie­na deli­vers high­ly accu­ra­te mea­su­re­ments even at low light levels, making it a relia­ble choice for deman­ding ana­ly­ti­cal tasks.

Compact Design and Low Power Consumption

Mea­su­ring just 52 x 57 x 17 mm and weig­hing 80 g, the Sie­na is per­fect­ly sui­ted for mobi­le and indus­tri­al set­tings. It ope­ra­tes with a 5V USB power sup­p­ly, con­sum­ing only 60 mA, which fur­ther enhan­ces its sui­ta­bi­li­ty for field use.

Customizable Configurations

The Sie­na is available in three stan­dard wave­length configurations:

  • Sie­na 1.7: 940-1700 nm (8-10 nm resolution)
  • Sie­na 1.9: 800-1900 nm (12-14 nm resolution)
  • Sie­na 2.1: 900-2100 nm (13-16 nm resolution)

Addi­tio­nal­ly, ent­rance slits can be user-repla­ced to achie­ve hig­her sen­si­ti­vi­ty or reso­lu­ti­on based on spe­ci­fic appli­ca­ti­on needs.

Advanced Electronics and Integration Capabilities

  • On-Board Pro­ces­sing: The Sie­na comes with a powerful micro­con­trol­ler capa­ble of per­forming on-board auto expo­sure, aver­aging, buf­fe­ring, and spec­trum pro­ces­sing, inclu­ding dark and refe­rence spec­trum adjus­t­ments. This pro­vi­des effi­ci­ent, real-time data wit­hout the need for exter­nal processors.
  • Mul­ti­ple Inter­face Opti­ons: The Sie­na sup­ports USB 2.0, UART, and optio­nal SPI/I²C inter­faces, making inte­gra­ti­on with exis­ting sys­tems straight­for­ward. It also offers ana­log I/O con­nec­tions and pro­gramma­ble I/O pins for cus­tom configurations.
  • Soft­ware and SDK: Included with the Sie­na is a com­pre­hen­si­ve soft­ware suite com­pa­ti­ble with Win­dows 7 and later, as well as an SDK with demo code, dri­vers, and pro­to­col docu­men­ta­ti­on. This enables seam­less inte­gra­ti­on and cus­tom appli­ca­ti­on deve­lo­p­ment to suit any uni­que requirement.

Applications Across Industries

The Sie­na NIR Spec­tro­me­ter is desi­gned for ver­sa­ti­li­ty, making it per­fect for a ran­ge of industries:

  • Phar­maceu­ti­cal Ana­ly­sis: Accu­ra­te­ly detect and quan­ti­fy acti­ve ingre­di­ents in medi­ca­ti­ons, ensu­ring qua­li­ty control.
  • Agri­cul­tu­re: Moni­tor crop health and soil com­po­si­ti­on to opti­mi­ze yields and quality.
  • Envi­ron­men­tal Test­ing: Con­duct ana­ly­sis of air, water, and soil, hel­ping to main­tain regu­la­to­ry com­pli­ance and envi­ron­men­tal safety.
  • Indus­tri­al Pro­cess Con­trol: Inte­gra­te the Sie­na into manu­fac­tu­ring sys­tems for real-time qua­li­ty moni­to­ring, impro­ving effi­ci­en­cy and redu­cing waste.

Why Choose Siena?

  • Per­for­mance Wit­hout Com­pro­mi­se: Unli­ke other NIR spec­tro­me­ters that requi­re coo­ling or sacri­fice per­for­mance, the Sie­na com­bi­nes an uncoo­led design with out­stan­ding sen­si­ti­vi­ty and accuracy.
  • Afforda­ble Excel­lence: Get the bene­fits of a high-per­for­mance spec­tro­me­ter at a cost-effec­ti­ve pri­ce point, making the Sie­na acces­si­ble to both lar­ge-sca­le indus­tri­al users and rese­arch laboratories.
  • Tail­o­red to Your Needs: With cus­to­mizable con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons and optio­nal access­ories like replaceable ent­rance slits, col­li­ma­tors, and fiber patch cables, the Sie­na offers the fle­xi­bi­li­ty to adapt to spe­ci­fic appli­ca­ti­ons with ease.

Technical Specifications

  • Wave­length Ran­ge: 800–2100 nm (depen­ding on model)
  • Sen­sor Type: InGaAs, 256 pixels
  • Reso­lu­ti­on (FWHM): Up to 13 nm (depen­ding on model and ent­rance slit size)
  • Power Sup­p­ly: 5V via USB or auxi­lia­ry con­nec­tor, power con­sump­ti­on ≤ 60 mA
  • Size and Weight: 52 x 57 x 17 mm, 80 g
  • Ope­ra­ting Tem­pe­ra­tu­re: -20 to 60 °C

Compliance and Certifications

The Sie­na com­pli­es with EU regu­la­ti­ons for elec­tro­ma­gne­tic com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty (2014/30/EU) and meets RoHS stan­dards, ensu­ring no hazar­dous sub­s­tances are pre­sent. It is also com­pli­ant with the U.S. Con­go Con­flict Mine­rals Act, demons­t­ra­ting Ave­nir Pho­to­nics’ com­mit­ment to ethi­cal manufacturing.

Introducing Aris UV/VIS Spectrometer

The ARIS Com­pact UV/VIS Spec­tro­me­ter by Ave­nir Pho­to­nics is desi­gned for appli­ca­ti­ons in the ultra­vio­let and visi­ble light spectrum.

Cove­ring wave­lengths from 185 to 1100 nm, the ARIS offers enhan­ced sen­si­ti­vi­ty and mini­mal stray light, making it ide­al for accu­ra­te labo­ra­to­ry mea­su­re­ments. Its com­pact and robust design is sui­ta­ble for both por­ta­ble and indus­tri­al use, with cus­to­mizable wave­length ran­ges to meet spe­ci­fic needs.

Are you interested?

Contact us now

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